E-mail: info.gooleyouthaction@gmail.com
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Our Aims
‘To enable more positive activity provision to be offered to the young people of Goole’
‘To provide a platform for youth related organisations to share information and develop new opportunities.’
‘Enable young people to have their say, when, where, and what kind of activities, they would like to experience in the Goole area’
What Do We Do?
Goole Youth Action is coalition of local youth groups and organisations. GYA partners meet regularly to share their knowledge and good practice, and provide a diary of social events, effective support, and valuable opportunities for 9 – 19 year-olds.
Goole Youth Coalition was formed in November 2015. The coalition is a unique partnership of organisations from both the public and voluntary sectors working together in aid of young people in the Goole area. Current partners include: Castaway Music Theatre, New Life Support (Revive Church), Moorlands Community Charity, ERYC’s Youth & Family Support (YFS) Service, Humberside Police, ERYC’s Sports, Arts & Play Service, Goole Town Council, Goole Community Drop In, Waterways Museum/Sobriety project, Goole Leisure Centre, Heath Trainers, ERYC’s Regeneration Dept, Office of Police Crime Commissionaire, ERYC’ Safer Communities, Goole Academy & Goole College.
Learn more about our partners on our partners page.
From The Beginning...
1st Goole Summer Activity Programme is delivered
Goole Youth Coalition Formed
November 2015
Summer 2016
1st Youth Festival is delivered
Goole targeted youth project is delivered
May 2017 to Aug 2018
Summer 2017
Negative to positive outcomes project is delivered
Goole Youth Forum holds it's first meeting
January 2018
April 2019 to Sept 2021

Our History

About Goole Youth Action
Outreach Programme is Delivered
Goole Youth Action Quality Mark Scheme Launched
June 2019
July 2019 to March 2020
Intro to Youth Work course is delivered
Goole Youth Action becomes a CIO charity
November 2019
March to May 2021
1st HAF Programme is Delivered
Detached Project Commences
April 2021 to Present
Summer 2021
What we've achieved
Our More Recent History
Comprehensive HAF Programme is planned
Summer 2022
In January 2018 the coalition changed its name to
Goole Youth Action (GYA).
The coalition's aims are:
‘To enable more positive activity provision to be offered to the young people of Goole’
‘To provide a platform for youth related organisations to share information and develop new opportunities.’
‘Enable young people to have their say, when, where, and what kind of activities, they would like to experience in the Goole area’
In November 2019 Goole Youth Action became a registered CIO with the Charity Commission, which enabled the organisation to seek funding and become independent and self-governing.
Goole Youth Action has achieved some notable success over the past five years, including:
Coordination of an annual summer programme (now in its fifth year) for young people aged 5 -24 years, impressively GYA partners have delivered over the three summer programmes (2015-2017) over 1,030 hours of positive diversionary activity delivered to 8,261 young people at 516 sessions.
Greater partnership working between voluntary sector groups including sharing of resources and intelligence that shaped the delivery of services and intensive work with young people.
Established a Virtual Goole Youth Forum for young people to express their views and shape the work of the partnership.
Secured over £172,000 of funding from a variety of sources to deliver its work: Humber Police Crime Commissioner’s Crime Reduction Fund, Goole Fields Wind Farm 1 & 2 Fund, Tribune Trust, Department of Communities & Local Government t, Big Lottery – Awards for All, Humberside Police’s Benevolent Fund and East Riding’s Community Safety Partnership.
Provided intensive one to one support to six young people over the last 16 months as part of the DCLG funded Goole Targeted Youth Project.
Coordinated the delivery of a Basic Introduction to Youth Work Course along with our Training Partner Youth Association South Yorkshire (YASY)
Delivered a successful Outreach project and continues to deliver the current Detached Project across Goole & Old Goole.